Saturday, February 21, 2009

What Should I Wear With White Sweater Vest

JSA - The Liberty Files

If he had not realized we are talking about everything that has to do with vision, cinema, theater, but also comic books (no TV so now they are derived only watchable movie or some series , as it is not Italian for charity now produce only the lives of saints and knights)
Returning to comics The volume brings together four stories of the Justice Society of America went out to the Elseworlds series, which is a variant of the normal world continuity of the characters.
Two words for those who absolutely do not know these people then: 1) The JSA is a super group, namely the union of heroes that normally live the adventures each for its own account, and 2) the characters here belong to that period we find that identified as the Golden Age, that is when the DC (the manufacturer) was virtually hegemonic and straddle the Second World War.
Without the point for those not involved in past work to the characters that are Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Flash ... .. first time fighting in the War World and then in the Cold War. For those who love or at least know the "normal" lives of these super-heroes as super-spies ritrovarseli is very attractive to be there to look for similarities and also the abyss that separate the two worlds binds us to the story, also because of a 'excellent writing that basks on easy but look for alliteration, pushes and develops a spy story that even without super-heroes would be read all in one breath.
I do not mean much because the pleasure lies in discovering what the authors have created for our heroes, who is good who the bad guy, however, see the Joker as a spy once thought refers to its last performance by Heath Ledger.
Batman fails to change now so ingrained is his being a paste form that can not be otherwise. In all these years we have seen the birth as a figure reminiscent of a then go on to be a keen detective in the '70s and a bitter old man, in the now legendary version milleriana. Suullo screen, big or small it is, has worn tights to make our glorious pajamas (for TV version with Adam West) was a bit 'gigione version with Michael Keaton and Tim Burton's very over the top in that of Joel Schumacher, to go back to being more credible coll'interpretazione Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan at the end of everything is always with him and his demons its darkness to light, or at least the service of justice.


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