to the Sticks Tony Manero
Sunday, a day of cinema ...
Today it when it happens to "Down in the North" Danny French film Boom which is also the protagonist.
The story follows a ruling that the Post Office to get the much sought after destination in the south of France combines a bit 'of trouble finishing, as punishment, to serve three years in the far north. Among
discomforted, crying, desperate to reach the desired destination to discover very little that north is not so bad as if waiting for him, so now it's all pretend, wife, son, friends, mica can tell who is good between frost and perennial cold?!
I can almost relive my departure from the warm south of the town where I was born in the cold north, where work for the past 13 years. All were close to me even today and all are surprised when I say that I am comfortable in Turin, Torino mica the North Pole!
Finally he comes up with a slight mind, we have seen an opera with all the rules of comedy, you smile to taste prejudices ridiculed, starting with the dialect, but never insult anyone, it seems almost see and Toto Peppino a Milano in preparation for departure, the hilarious relationship with the traffic police, she moved to know the destination of our hero. Why
comic films in Italy or have a subtext, even as below but for the most dominant, dramatic or be bloomed, rude, invasive and ultimately little fun?
Why can not we be more moderate and calm like the French? If it were not so conceited that the French are tempted to move if he thinks they have a Sarkozy and Bruni and Berlusconi and his jokes we can understand why they travel to North, but we go on holidays all the same finite
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