Saturday, July 24, 2010

Trish Stratus Force To Strip

BELOW IN SAN BONIFACIO, parachutes and RadioStar!

Music Festival Sports Festival in St. Boniface, near the sports scene in the Sanbonifacese Baseball Sunday 18 evening, with the music of the radio station. An evening with the coven Salvetti & Co. could also be adequately supported by songs, dances, whistles, tomatoes and vegetables thrown at musicians (?) and of course, the savory picture of Captain Salvetti (you can see by going to ' album). To animate the while the group took was a sweaty sound-chek, the launch area of \u200b\u200bsome paratroopers of the party, suspect that someone is running from a jetliner .... :-) Night Live which then brought on stage a mix of rock, rock n roll, dance and glasses Radiostar exception of very fit, with good Lorenzo he left to go to a performance style The Fly, walking up and down the area in front of the stage ... What a sight! See you soon with the summer evenings of the tour radio station.


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