Back Jack Sparrow, the friendly and rickety pirate played by Johnny Depp . In this fourth adventure of the series, Pirates of the Caribbean: beyond the sea , must face a horde of dangerous pirates and zombies with an 'ex-lover that will not just an awkward one.
The director Rob Marshall (replaced Gore Verbinski ) directs Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush in what promises to be the penultimate episode of the series of pirates. It appears that the Disney is thinking of the fifth adventure of Jack Sparrow. The producer Jerry Bruckheimer and screenwriter Terry Rossio are already working on the next script.
stranded Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, the cast took over two new characters: the ardent Angelica, played by Penelope Cruz , former lover of Jack Sparrow from the tooth still poisoned and the Pirate Blackbeard, played by Ian McShane . Keith Richards also confirmed in the role of Sparrow's father.
Where were we left?
We left Captain Jack Sparrow in a boat with a mysterious map in hand for the "fountain of youth" and his inseparable compass. The new adventure begins, however, from London, where Jack is over after yet another arrest by the guards of King George II. The inevitable escape of the pirate introduces the return of Captain Barbossa at the helm of "Providence" and the appearance of Blackbeard with his "Queen Annes Revenge."
Along with Blackbeard's also his daughter Angelica, ready to seduce and betray the poor Jack. During the new treasure hunt to find the water that makes young again anyone to drink, Pirates will face eight beautiful sirens of a supernatural creature orders Rusa Syrena. Among the new dangerous enemies a group of zombies. ( source: Tiscali.it )
Pirates of the Caribbean: beyond the sea debuts in 3D, promising entertainment and pure adrenaline. Waiting to see it in theaters next May 18, 2011 , here is the trailer for the film.
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