Who has to write 2: Sagas ie that .....
Just think But ultimately is not that there is much to write about.
films of today are worse than the one to regret almost works like Iron Man and Transfomers, which are not exactly the best cinematography.
Take the latest saga in the room. There is one with
young vampires, Twilight Saga, which frankly I saw the first and then have fled in horror. From the reviews I've read the third just has to "fear" for two hours if Bella, what a name for a character to say the name of which translated would be Bella Swan Swan, trying to be a vampire (Edward Venaus almost the same population Cullen, Scotland), while his friend werewolf (Jacob Black) tries unsuccessfully to get her because they are "FRIENDS TROPPOOOO !!!".
But heck you're a half-animal, animal instinct and then make up your mind or put your tail between your legs and you shut up and silent by the dog in the neighborhood, or bring out the beast in you and the wall, and angry cap'e say, "Oh Bella! Statte your mother if you stood, because if your mother did not Steve 'you will not hold"
(for translation see the Devoto-Oli-Italian Werewolf and 2010 but also 2009).
then I understand why it is a saga much loved by little girls. The two types are Bellocchio, is a beautiful and a little dark / ethereal (Eduardo), the other more masculine on the other hand is always a core saga half naked, giacobbino. But Bella
???!!!! Bella, who?? What is not wearing makeup is not too bad, but the film seems the most unlucky of all? And two are competing to see who, if he seizes her three-film ??!!!
I knew that vampires and werewolves had problems but I thought they were kind of garlic for dinner, erythema sunlight, indigestion with silver bullets to appear strange and psychopathology of the full moon, and instead here, "Ta-Daaa" the problem is who will be the first to the less glamorous of them all?
Poor show!
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